The Importance of Thanking Vendors

Managing a business can be complicated. We set goals and work hard to meet them, but success is rarely achieved as a stand-alone venture. Instead, our products or services often depend on the quality goods and services that our vendors provide. Usually, our best vendors become almost a part of our organization—supplying the “secret sauce” that enables us to do what we do so well time after time.

Because these business relationships are so vital to our own successes, a genuine thank you every once in a while is a worthy investment. Vendor appreciation is a vital way of expressing that gratitude and maintaining healthy business partnerships long into the future. These displays of appreciation can benefit both giver and recipient in pleasantly surprising ways.

Confirmation of Approval:

A gift offers concrete reassurance that you’re happy with your vendor and the level or quality of the services that they give. Payment is often viewed as just the price of doing business, and verbal thanks may be perceived as no more than polite professional courtesy. However, an actual gift conveys unmistakable sincerity and approval. Your gift may even boost your vendor’s confidence, leading to more successes for both of you.

Culture of Respect:

When gift-giving becomes a part of your company culture, it conveys a positive perception of who your team really is. You’re successful, and you’re willing to recognize the people who helped make it possible by recognizing them. Everyone loves a winner—especially one who shares—because success promises possibility for everyone. Your vendors will want to be a part of what you’re doing and hope that they might one day be able to give back to you.

Standing Out:

You’re almost certainly not a vendor’s only client. More likely, you’re one of many. Sending a unique gift can set you apart and bring awareness that you have something special to offer. When a vendor takes the time to understand exactly what you actually do and how they fit into that process, you become more than just another entry on their accounts receivables.

Brand Recognition:

The gift you give speaks volumes about your brand. You may be known in your own specialty realm of business, but corporate gifting gives you another way of crossing into other disciplines or industries to form additional partnerships. When you associate yourself with a local brand that has an impeccable reputation, for example, that in turn reflects well on you and your brand.

Communications and Priorities:

The right timing on a corporate gift can be just the thing to bring you to the forefront of someone’s memory when a new project comes along or a colleague asks for a referral. You may not be able to be constantly present, but tasteful gifts that connect can keep you fresh in your vendor’s mind. If they know that you’re thinking of them, they may be more likely to think of you, too.

Shared Word of Mouth:

Personal referrals and testimonials are priceless, and so are gifts that are shareable. Sending a client or vendor a gift that they can easily share with others is another way of spreading good will. When the gift is shared, your name will be too, and the quality of your gift will speak for you even when you’re not able to speak for yourself.

Stoke the Happiness:

Giving to express gratitude makes us happy and improves relationships. Employees are more motivated to work for managers who say thank you. In relationships, people are more willing to discuss concerns and be more interested in a positive outcome when a partner makes them feel appreciated. In short, expressing gratitude for what we have often brings even more good things to us.

Make Them Feel Special

Corporate gifts for vendors are a way of building on what you already have and creating something even better. With stability, trust and boosted confidence, vendors may be more inclined to improve business partnerships or even expand them. Deals may be easier to strike, and terms may be more favorable.

Saying thank you is easy, and holidays, business anniversaries and milestones are perfect opportunities to thank the people you depend on. If you would like to know more about corporate gifts for vendors or easy ways of expressing appreciation in your business partnerships, explore Cane River Pecan Company’s collection of corporate gifts. You’re sure to find unique gifts to delight any vendor and show your appreciation.


The Science of Taste: How Delicious Gifts Can Make You Memorable

Corporate gift giving has a long tradition in food: premium nuts roasted to a caramelized crunch, hand-crafted chocolates rich with fillings, fine wines lush with the sweet tastes of summer. These treats are feasts for the senses that — whether we realize it or not— leave calling cards in our brains. 

Because of how deeply our senses are intertwined with memory, gifts that deliver delicious flavors or smells are meaningful ways of reaching out to others—especially in the world of business partnerships and client retention. 

The Science of Taste and Memory

Taste triggers memory. We know it’s true, but why is it such a powerful reaction? In The Omnivorous Mind: Our Evolving Relationship With Food, published by Harvard Press, John S. Allen explains that as human beings, we’re essentially hardwired to link food and memory through both nature and nurture.

The Nature Connection

Our brains are designed to absorb experiences through the senses and then record them as memories. Much of this happens in the hippocampus, a part of our limbic system that deals with emotions, memory and emotional processing.

While the hippocampus is our most basic structure for forming memories and recalling them, it’s also responsible for the spatial memory we count on—knowing where things are, where we are and how to navigate. Essentially, the hippocampus helps us organize and remember our world so that we can survive, and since food is so vital, it qualifies as a significant memory to record.

In addition to handling memory and emotion, the hippocampus is also associated with our digestive system and has receptors for hormones like insulin, for example, leptin and ghrelin—hormones that regulate our energy supply, let us know that we’re satisfied or alert us that we’re hungry.

Interestingly, in addition to the hippocampus, the limbic system also includes the olfactory bulb, responsible for our sense of smell, as well as the amygdala, critical to attaching emotional value to memories and sensory experiences.

To make the relationship even a bit more interesting, when we eat something we really like, our brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that lights up our brain’s reward centers and turns what might otherwise be a short-term memory into a long-term one.

With all of these structures and functions in one area of our brain and working together, it’s little wonder that memory and taste—and even smell and emotion—are so closely entwined with one another.

The Nurture Component

Our palates develop over time, blending our personal preferences and the way our family and friends eat with the foods that our culture encourages. A big part of this stems from how we tie food to special occasions as a celebration marking a point in time—birthdays, holidays and vacations, for example.

We recognize moments of significance with the sharing of food—everything from potlucks and picnics to birthday cake or homemade beignets made together that day. With food so essential to our survival and our relationships within a community, its very presence in any given situation becomes meaningful.

In this way, many of our food experiences live as long term memories, and thanks to conventions and culture, they’re likely to be repeated. Ultimately, through both nature and nurture elements, food not only retrieves old memories but also creates new ones. 

Making Tasteful Memories With Corporate Gift Giving

Food holds potential to be a powerful connector between people—especially if it can evoke feelings that are unique. That’s why—even without the scientific data—we simply know that a personalized tin of melt-in-your-mouth gourmet cookies will be more memorable than just another pen or mug. 

Link your gift of deliciousness with a significant date, accomplishment, holiday or anniversary—how many years you’ve been doing business together, for example, or the week prior to a trade show where you always see one another—and it becomes a reassuring touchstone of mutual respect that they may even look forward to receiving.

“Emotion and novelty tend to make events more memorable, and those tied in some way with food may make for even more powerful memories.”

John S. Allen

In business, staying in touch and communicating with authenticity are everything, yet we’re not always able to hop on a plane to have lunch or make every meeting. That’s when a simple gesture can speak volumes, and science says that food give our message longevity.

Gifts of taste let you connect with one person, several people or an entire network and let those individuals know that you’re thinking of them. Corporate gift giving can play equally important roles in creating or solidifying partnerships, showing employee appreciation or strengthening client retention. 

Tasteful Gifts Start Here

Whether it’s for a special occasion, a job well done or a celebration for another successful year, food lets you go as small or as large as you want while staying authentic and memorable at the same time. 

At Cane River Pecan Company, we specialize in delicious pecan gifts that recipients look forward to all year long. If you’re looking for something unique to keep your name top of mind, explore our collection of pecan tins, gift boxes and specialty treats. You’re sure to find a perfect pick they won’t soon forget.

Discover Delicious Gift They’ll Love


Why Gifting in January is a Great Idea

December is the month most businesses find their lobbies overrun with gift bags stuffed with sussies and food trays laden with holiday treats. It’s simply what they’ve come to expect from their vendors after all these years. And that’s great for you because this gives you the opportunity to stand apart – from both the competition and the clutter. 

How To Stand Out? Send That Gift in January. 

Think about it. January marks the end of two straight months of merriment that include Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s Eve. The first day back at work after sixty continuous days of mirth can seem downright dull. No smiling faces, no upbeat music, no sweet treats. So much for a happy new year, right? Until, that is, you step in with the surprise your clients didn’t know they needed. 

There are two superb reasons to send that corporate gift in January.

You’re Not Just Another Face in the Crowd

Instead, you’re the bright face of the even brighter new year. It’s your business card they’ll see now that the office break room has been cleared of the holiday hodgepodge. You’ll be the vendor they think of when they need to use your service. You’ll be top of mind when all the holiday hubbub has passed. 

It Creates More Than Good Will

Research shows that 83% of CEOs believe that business gifts generate a measurable return on investment. In other words, yours is a gift that benefits both recipient and giver*.

Of course, giving the right gift is key here. Dropping off another click-top ballpoint pen with your logo isn’t necessarily going to differentiate you from the other guys. The right gift is the one that is small but meaningful. Keep in mind that many companies have policies limiting the value of corporate gifts. Anything too extravagant might run afoul of those rules. Small and tasteful beats big and gaudy when it comes to giving gifts to your clients.

Whether you give corporate gifts regularly or have never done so before, sending gifts in January can be a great way to maximize the effectiveness of this proven marketing tactic.

*Knack 2019 Business Gifting Survey

How Corporate Gifts Can Help You Make New Business Connections

Most people only think about sending corporate gifts after they have done business with someone. However, sending a gift before you do business with someone is actually a great way to make the first move and establish a new business connection.

An impressive 77% of CEOs in a recent survey* said business gifts make them feel appreciated – so gift giving can be a great way to get a new relationship started in a very positive way.

Here are a couple of tips that can help you introduce yourself to potential new business connections through corporate gifting.

1.  Give something small but thoughtful.

When you do this, also include a short story or explanation about why you chose to send this gift. This is a simple but powerful way to begin creating a personal connection and let the person know that you’re willing to invest your time and are truly interested in them. You may think this is a “no-brainer” but in reality, more than half of business gift recipients* report receiving a gift with no personal note attached.

2.  Consider giving a gift that reflects your values or culture.

Choose something that tells the potential customer more about you. This can be a great ice breaker and could lead to an engaging story that gets the relationship off on a good track.

Here’s an example from Cane River Pecan Company CEO Jady Regard:

“I would give a pound of pecans with a short note that reads: When I was young, I would help my father load his pickup truck with small brown grocery bags filled with fresh cracked pecans from our family farm. He would carry these pecans around with him for about two weeks, slowly delivering them to folks he knew or was getting to know. They were a real hit.”

The perfect way to end this little story would be to say, “I hope you enjoy the pecans – and I also hope we can get to know one another better. Happy Holidays!”

With these simple tips, you can use corporate gifting as an effective tool for establishing new business contacts and boosting your revenue. It really is a wonderful way to introduce yourself and has been proven to provide a measurable return on investment – as well as other intangible benefits such as loyalty, appreciation and a positive opinion of your business.

*Knack 2019 Business Gifting Survey

3 Ways Pecan Gifts Will Boost Your Revenue

In today’s ultra-competitive business world, corporate gift giving has become a very powerful tool for retaining clients, attracting new customers and increasing your revenue. In fact, a recent survey* of CEOs nationwide revealed that 83% believe that business gifts generate measurable, positive return on investment in addition to intangible benefits. In addition, 67% believe that the gift demonstrates that the giver values their relationship.

However, in order to be truly effective, the gifts you give must be memorable – which is why pecans or gourmet pecan gifts are such a great choice for corporate gifting. Pecans are delicious, unique and nearly everyone loves them, so your clients are sure to remember your company when they enjoy these special treats.

Following are a few more reasons why pecans are an outstanding corporate gift that can boost your company’s revenue, build your brand and strengthen business relationships.

1) Steeped in Tradition

Over the years, pecans have become a cherished tradition across the entire United States during the holidays, with many people using them to make pecan pies, pralines and other treats for their families every year. By giving the gift of top-quality pecans, you can create stronger, long-lasting relationships with your employees, customers and vendors – which will ultimately result in higher employee productivity and increased business with your clients and vendors.

2) A Cherished Luxury

Big, beautiful, flavorful gourmet pecans are considered a luxury by most people. This makes them cherished as a gift that they would normally not purchase for themselves. As an alternative to simply giving pecans, you can choose to give special treats such as pralines or a wide variety of other pecan-inspired delicacies. Either way, pecans are a gift that everyone will enjoy and remember – and being memorable is one of the most important factors for successful corporate gifting that produces a good return on investment.

3) Creates Connections

By giving a unique, memorable gift like pecans, you are creating connections – and with these connections comes loyalty from your customers. In fact, a full 40% of CEOs* say that business gifts increase their loyalty and their desire to work with the company longer – and 50% say corporate gifts that are memorable make them feel more connected to the gift giver. All of these factors will ultimately translate into increased revenue for your company when you give a high quality corporate gift such as pecans.

Looking for a gift they won’t forget? Learn more about corporate gifting and explore gourmet pecan gifting packages at Cane River Pecan Company.

*Knack 2019 Business Gifting Survey

3 Steps for Making Your Corporate Gifting Budget

Creating a budget for corporate gift giving is important to ensure you get the best return on your investment while not breaking the bank. While you need to set an amount that you can afford, also keep in mind that giving poor quality gifts is a big mistake. For example, in a recent survey* of more than 1,000 CEOs, when asked about the worst corporate gifts they’ve ever received, the #1 answer was, “cheap things with company logos” (such as t-shirts and mugs). As such, you’d be wise not to skimp too much on your budget to ensure your recipients feel valued and your gift is a true expression of your relationship.

Begin by determining an overall target amount that you would like to spend – then take the following three steps to help complete your corporate gifting plan and fine-tune the budget.

1) Create Your Recipients List

Think about all the people who have helped your business succeed when making your list. This can include your top clients, prospective new clients, vendors and suppliers, your own employees and anyone else who is important to your business.

2) Categorize Your List

If you plan on giving different gifts to various people based on your business relationship or other factors, it’s a good idea to break your list into categories or segments. This is an effective way to identify those recipients who should receive a higher-end gift and those for which a less costly gift is appropriate. One of the most popular ways to do this is to use three simple categories – low, medium and high price points. However, you can create as many categories as you think will be needed to differentiate between your recipients. 

3) Create Budget Ranges for Each Category

Next, create a range of costs for each category, such as $25 – $50, $50 – $100, $100+ or more. After you’ve put all of your recipients into the proper categories, it’s time to add everything up and compare the total to your overall target budget.

At this point, it’s likely that you will either be over or under your target budget. You can edit as needed by moving recipients to different categories, or you can add or subtract recipients until the final cost meets your target. Just remember that 77% of CEOs surveyed* say that business gifts make them feel appreciated – so corporate gifts, when well-planned, can really play an important role in strengthening your business relationships.

*Knack 2019 Business Gifting Survey

5 Tips to Nail the Art of Memorable Corporate Gifting

Giving corporate gifts is not only an opportunity to strengthen relationships and grow your business – it’s also an investment. In fact, 83% of CEOs in a recent survey* believe that business gifts generate measurable positive ROI in addition to intangible benefits. To make the most of your investment, you should take the time to learn the most effective ways to go about the gifting process.

Here are five tips that can help you absolutely nail the art of memorable gifting and get the best return on investment for your corporate gifting initiatives this year.

1) Do It!

Stop thinking about it and take action. Like the old Nike ad says, “Just do it.” Wondering whether corporate gifting is right for your company will get you nowhere – and overthinking it might stop you from doing it at all. Do your research, find the best gifts for your clients and get it done.

2) Give a Gift That’s Reasonable but Rare

You want to find a gift that’s reasonably priced – but it’s also a good idea if it’s something that’s also hard to find. For example, you can walk into any grocery store in America and find pecans – but it’s nearly impossible to find “really good” pecans. One of the reasons Cane River Pecan Company resonates so well with people is the unmatched quality of its pecans. As such, if you’re going to give gifts, make sure that they are really top quality and unique — not something that can be found at any old store.

3) Include a Personal Note

Including a personal note with your gift is vital because it really brings it home to the recipient that they are special and you are thinking specifically about them. Maybe you can share a quick story or relive a special memory that you both share. As long as the message is personal and positive, you really can’t go wrong — so take the time to do this, and it will truly make your gift more memorable.

4) Find a Gift That’s Versatile

Giving a unique corporate gift that has multiple uses can go a long way toward increasing the enjoyment and appreciation of the recipient. For example, pecans can be eaten just as they are or used in a wide variety of great recipes. The same can be said for other food items such as gourmet cheeses or baskets that contain multiple items. There are also plenty of other versatile corporate gifts such as tote bags that can also be used as a backpack or gym bag — or journals that include a place to hold a cell phone and a charging cord as well as pens, business cards, etc. The point is that, if you give a gift that has multiple uses, it makes your gift even better and more memorable.

5) Give A Gift that Says Something About You

Try to find a gift that represents your company, what you do and/or who you are — and one that also resonates with the recipient. For example, Cane River Pecan Company is a southern-rooted, family-owned company that offers pecan specialties, which could appeal to customers who appreciate fine foods, family recipes and Southern hospitality. 

You may be able to find a gift specific to your region, too, such as top quality maple syrup if you’re based in New England or gourmet chili peppers if you’re in the southwestern U.S. Whether it’s food items or something else altogether, try to find gifts that relate to what you do or where you’re from. 

Looking for a gift they won’t forget? Learn more about corporate gifting and explore gourmet pecan gifting packages at Cane River Pecan Company.

*Knack 2019 Business Gifting Survey

50 Seasons of Growth: Innovation Meets Dedication

I often wonder how different it must be to run a company in 2019 than it must have been 50 seasons ago.

A typical day for me starts between 8 and 9 am and is filled with a variety of jobs. It can include overseeing our marketing and sales, working on new product development, (by the way, we are working on a line of pies at the moment and the packaging that goes along with them) then checking in with my operations director, customer service team and retail team.

We recently opened a new retail store that is located a few miles from our core operations, so I travel there multiple times a week to visit with our staff there and see how I can support their efforts. I also manage to keep a pulse on the pecan industry, as a whole, and unique gourmet gifting trends that are always emerging. I manage our ad agency account as well as any social media engagement.

I have a fiduciary responsibility to the company, for both the shareholders (my family) and the employees that work here. I also keep an overall eye on the general direction of the company through new ideas and products that are relevant, inspiring and unprecedented. And finally, I have to be able to navigate what we need now versus what we can use later, to keep moving the company forward in a competitive gifting landscape. We are constantly evaluating the products we offer and the behind-the-scenes technology and facilities it takes to get our products out to our customers. Over the course of a day — I can have my hands involved in a lot of unique areas.

And believe me, no two days are the same.

Navigating the ‘Net

Fifty seasons ago, the internet wasn’t around. It seems strange to imagine a time where an online presence didn’t make or break a company — and what a game changer it has been for all companies, regardless of the product or service they offer. The internet accounts for nearly one third of our annual sales and continues to grow. Embracing the internet and understanding how it plays a vital role in day-to-day operations is a must for most companies. For us, it has opened the door to many new customers, but it also has added to the mix of things to learn about and how to deploy those resources for the betterment of our growth and profitability.

Social media plays a huge role in our company, and social platforms are ever increasing the avenue to gain new customers, promote new products and make direct sales. While we participate in several social media platforms, we must learn ways to leverage what is happening on these platforms to further our ability to offer our products and services. Social media is a fast-moving ecosystem. Personally, I am in it, but I am also 50 years old, so I feel like I have one foot in, and one foot out of the social realm. That is a scary place to be at times! I have to get to a place where I rely on information from younger consumers, learn their shopping habits and put our company in a position to embrace those buying opportunities.

Stayin’ Alive

If I was talking to someone planning on opening a specialty or niche food company for the first time, I think I would tell them to be really sure that you are not developing or offering a product that might be a fad product. Pecans are, in my opinion, tried and true. The Native Americans depended on them. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson planted them. Here in the deep south, we revere them. Pecans are part of our southern lifestyle, they are embedded in our culture. Pecans are also America’s nut. For others, who want to get into the specialty food business, I would say, don’t get too cute. When I think of this, I think of all the cupcake shops that opened up a few years ago and were all the rage for a while. While a few of these micro-bakeries made it, most did not. Fads are a dangerous place to operate if you want to be in it for the long haul.

So how have we survived? In large part, thanks to these three main values: Passion, Commitment and Creativity. We must be passionate about pecans and the job of servicing our clients with an outstanding gifting service for their recipients. We all must be committed to the goals of the company and our commitment must not be self-serving, but for the good of the entire company. And we must always strive to sell our products and services creatively. That is what will give us a competitive edge in my opinion. Our latest creative endeavor? Boudin Pie. If you haven’t had it, you’re missing out.

Being profitable solves a lot of potential problems, so making enough money to keep the business “in business” is key to our success. With financial stability, many of the other things take care of themselves — we will have more freedom, more influence, more creative expression and certainly room for innovation. If we aim for a certain amount of financial success, it makes room for the other things that come along.

Dreaming Big

We want to grow, no doubt. We recently moved into a renovated building on our Main Street of New Iberia in the newly-formed historic district, and we are beyond excited about this new location. I have always felt that a 50-year-old family company like ours needs to be on a Main Street. It’s what you expect to see!

We have a lot of plans for this building, including an expanded retail-facing component that will include a pie bar for having a cup of coffee and a piece of pie, and a pecan exhibit space so we can educate folks on the history and industry of pecans. We think it will be an exciting addition to downtown New Iberia and for tourists that come to our parish to visit. Also, we hope to expand our mail order catalog reach and certainly grow our online presence with digital marketing. After 50 seasons, I feel like we are just getting started!

The pecan pie is the poster child for pecans and our industry. Even though pecans are more than just pie, let’s be honest, it’s a damn good place to start. And who doesn’t love a good piece of pie? After the creation of the Boudin Pie, we’re excited to explore other flavors. Look out for the up-and-coming Bourbon Pecan!

I want Cane River Pecan Company to be a top tier gifting company with a national footprint. I also want to be the leading gourmet pecan provider nationwide, and we are already well underway. We are known for only offering an exceptional line of pecans and pecan specialties, but the goal now is to take what we are doing and offer it to even more people around the US. The South has a rich association with pecans and heirloom recipes that demand fresh pecans. We want to be the source of those pecans so we can support the southern food traditions that have been handed to us.

In our 50th season, we are selling almost every pecan product we want to offer. With pies soon on the way, we feel like we have a well rounded offering of exceptional products. The trick is not to offer too much. People can become overwhelmed with choices. Do a few things, and do them very well. With internet sales soaring, more people are being exposed to our brand than ever before. However, only a few of those new customers are getting a chance to visit our store, so we must bring that same, great Cane River Pecan Company experience to them. Innovation never really stops; finding new ways to excite the recipient of our pecans is a constant endeavor for us — and we love rising to the challenge.

Our ability to continue to share our southern heritage and Louisiana food culture is what sets us apart from other gourmet food companies. Everyone knows that food is our hallmark in Louisiana; to be involved in the food industry — the most exciting industry in the state — is fun to be a part of. And we have a lot of great ideas that we want to see come to fruition. The future is bright for us!

50 Seasons of Growth: Celebrating the Lessons

I’ve spent April celebrating National Pecan Month, as everyone should, and marveling that 2019 marks my family’s 50th season in the pecan industry. Fifty years! What a milestone. I’ve found myself doing a bit of reflection on where it all started and lessons I’ve learned over the years.

You may know where it all began. About 180 miles north of New Iberia, Louisiana, it starts on the Cane River, which runs through Central Louisiana and dissects the historic city of Natchitoches, Louisiana. My father bought our pecan orchards, nestled along the banks of the river, in 1969. Years later, he opened a small, seasonal retail store on Front Street in the city of Natchitoches.

What you may not know is that my mother started our mail order division of the company. She was the one who came up with the idea to start selling pecans as gourmet holiday gifts, using pecans that my father grew on our family farm. After closing our seasonal store years later, the retail business of selling our pecans moved to where we lived and still operate today — New Iberia, Louisiana. In addition to my mother running the mail order operations, my two brothers and I started a pecan cracking company in our family garage. We ran the “Nutcrackers” until my youngest brother left home for college. Simpler times.

The start of the company wasn’t without its challenges. After all, getting customers to believe in giving gourmet pecans as a gift was a tough sell at first. If you can believe it, there was a time that giving pecans was not really a thing. Luckily, people came around to the power of pecans as presents. Getting people to believe in the idea of our style of gifts was one of the first wins for Cane River Pecan Company.

Since the beginning, our business has enjoyed steady growth, year over year. When we started selling flavored pecans in our signature red tin, sales really began to take off, and we gained national traction. Offering a branded tin made Cane River Pecan Company memorable, and it began to set us apart from other pecan companies in the country.

Hometown CNO

Though it may be hard to believe, for nearly 13 years before becoming the Chief Nut Officer you know today, I worked in sports marketing and administration. After more than a decade of working in that field, I was inspired to leave my big city corporate job in Chicago to return to Louisiana for a few reasons. First, I love Louisiana and our food culture. To “come home” and be a part of that was intriguing to me. And the opportunity to work for myself was really a big pull to get me “home.” And of course, there are a bunch of cool things that I missed about being in the South, like attending LSU football games, duck hunting, the Cajun lifestyle, being close to family and continuing a family tradition of working in the pecan industry. I feel the same way today. No regrets whatsoever.

While we’re taking this trip down Memory Lane, I often get asked about how I came to be the Chief Nut Officer. I remember while on a flight home, I read an article about the man who runs the famous little red wagon company – Radio Flyer. He was the self-proclaimed Chief Wagoneer. I knew I needed a title that would get me access to the C-suite for corporate sales, yet light enough to have fun with the company. Right then, I decided I was going to be known as the CNO of Cane River Pecan Company. After all, at the end of the day, we sell pecans. It’s not that serious. And you know what the best thing is? Over the years, people sometimes forget my name, but they never, ever forget my title! Whenever I give a person my card, I have the pleasure of a “wait-for-it” moment until they read my title, and they always give a little chuckle. It’s memorable. And hey, don’t we all need to be memorable in business? Of course we do!

Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Running a company is tough and unpredictable to say the least. We are faced with so many incredible challenges all of the time and each year, the challenges change. It really never stops and the pace is incredible, even for a small company like ours. Our original challenge was marketing the pecan itself, our later challenges have included upgrading packaging, expanding our selection of pecan specialties, building a real mail order catalog, embracing the internet, technology upgrades and facility improvements. I consider these healthy challenges, as every one of them speaks to an increased demand for delicious pecan goods.

I am proud that we have been able to offer a consistently great range of products and services year after year and have grown as a result. Sure, we spend a lot of time and financial resources to grow the company. But when you can grow organically by offering great products to a new and unsuspecting customer, and they in turn buy the product for themselves because they were so impressed, well … then you have something unique on your hands. That is when it becomes special. That’s why, thanks to customers like you with an insatiable appetite for our delicacies, we are still here to celebrate yet another National Pecan Month.

The Art of Being Thankful

Every day, work pressures force us to move faster, work harder and churn out better products. To meet the challenge, we begin pushing ourselves harder, demand more of our associates and coworkers, and more from those we value most—our families.

But what if we chose to take a breath and shift to a more positive mindset instead? What if we chose to be thankful as we moved forward? I’ve found that taking the extra step to show appreciation, whether in business or in my personal life, can go miles— especially when done right. After all, there’s a lot to be thankful for.

For me, “thank you” is one of the simplest things to say. Yet, for some reason, many people deem it unnecessary or worse — a sign of weakness. In truth, simple expressions of gratitude can be powerful:

  • A verbal “thank you” may seem simple, but it can unlock smiles and nods as well as a willingness to keep pushing forward and get the job done.
  • A heartfelt, handwritten note may be saved, reread and remembered. It’s proof that someone noticed and took precious time from a busy schedule to deliver a thank you. It’s also confirmation that someone doesn’t take what’s given for granted.
  • Consider that actions can be stronger than words. If a member of your household consistently goes out of their way to make your life easier — be it by fixing your lunch or managing the household — take over and do the same for them when possible to show you appreciate their gestures.

Everyone wants to feel that their accomplishments and efforts are meaningful. Even the most simple expressions of gratitude can become priceless investments in trust and loyalty. But with such hectic schedules, how can we help ourselves recognize all the things that deserve thanks?

Cultivating Perspectives of Empathy

Actually see all the people who show up to work with you every day. From the front desk employee who cheerfully takes client calls and manages the day-to-day minutiae, to the coworker who tags in to ease your workload on the busiest days. The ones who answer your calls, talk through challenges and ultimately make your expectations become reality. Operate from true awareness of what you’re asking of yourself, and the people you and your company depend on. Take accurate stock of how much effort is required from everyone and what would happen if any one of them failed.

Overtime hours, deadline extensions or compressions, special events, new product rollouts, schedule shifts and even just business as usual come with difficulties for company owners and employees alike. Those affected may feel stressed, overexerted, under-appreciated or overwhelmed. These challenges ripple throughout a company and extend into associated networks — as well as personal lives.

Your family may take the brunt of any frustration you’ve experienced through the workday. They’re the sounding board you turn to when you can’t discuss an issue with a boss or coworkers, and they take on new stress from any issues you bring home. While your spouse may be supportive and happy to hear you out, their show of empathy to you may take a toll on their own emotions and feelings. It’s incredibly important to express how appreciative you are to have them by your side to share any worries or challenges you face, otherwise they can go through their own form of burnout.

Being mindful of the effort others put forth comes from a place of empathy — a recognition of the shared human condition. We all have goals, responsibilities, hopes and dreams that we’re trying to fulfill. As you practice empathy, you may discover just how important many previously unnoticed people really are to your success and all that you have to be thankful for.

Invest To Keep Gratitude Genuine

When business is involved, most of us can detect, to a degree, when gratitude is inauthentic. Ingenuous offerings of thanks may fall flat due to a perceived connotation of why the recognition is taking place to begin with. People are, by nature, wary of gratitude that might come with a hidden ask or expectation.

Authenticity means taking interest in the person behind the uniform, or beyond their relation to you, and making consistent efforts to connect in an honest way. Take the time to learn about people, their goals and the events that are meaningful to them.

When you have the opportunity to help your coworkers, family or friends by thanking them or adding to their good fortune, you’ll be able to do it naturally, in simple ways that ring true to their preferences.

Lessons of a Lifetime of Gratitude

Owning a business that has always been a family affair brings with it a long history of enduring relationships. Cane River Pecan Company is rooted in the certainty that genuine acts of appreciation can strengthen — and even cement — meaningful professional and personal relationships.

Over the years, we’ve grown and flourished thanks to the trust and loyalty of our partners, associates, employees and customers. Every day, I remind myself that I owe all of these members of the Cane River Pecan Company family, and my own family, a debt that I can only hope to repay with acts of gratitude — simply and genuinely.

For more information on Cane River Pecan Company and tangible ways that you can express your gratitude, visit our website, or call 1.800.692.3109.