Fall In Pecantown, Louisiana

Blog Post – October 2024

When October finally comes around, I really start thinking pecans.  This is the time of year that you begin to see Halloween, Thanksgiving and fall decorations hit the store shelves.  Clothing catalogs appear in your mailbox featuring cozy sweaters and corduroy pants.  Food magazines begin to showcase the classic pecan pie recipe.  It’s my favorite time of the year.

When I was young, this would be the time of the year my father would “leave for the farm.”  Our pecan farm was located about two and a half hours from our home in New Iberia, Louisiana.  Papa would oversee the harvest and that meant, unless it was raining, he was there in Natchitoches, Louisiana, along the Cane River, making sure tractors, shakers and harvesters were ready to go, the orchard was swept of broken limbs, and his harvesting supplies were at hand.  Getting the harvest “in” before the winter rains was the job.  And what a job it was.  Between managing the labor you needed to haul in the tons of pecans he grew, and keeping up with broken farm equipment and dodging weather, it was real work.  But he loved it.  He loved his trees, he loved being outdoors, he loved problem solving and he loved seeing his pecans picked, sorted and sacked and ready for the market. 

I can still hear my brothers and I running though the dried pecan leaves on the orchard floor.  It’s so noisy you can’t dare sneak up on anyone.  It was the sound of October, the sound of fall, and the sound of my favorite time of the year.

Jady Regard, CNO – Chief Nut Officer,  Cane River Pecan Company 

Cool To Be Kind: The Link Between Giving and Personal Happiness

One simple little text emoji—the smiley face with rosy cheeks—expresses the emotion perfectly: that warm, fuzzy feeling you get after connecting with another person. Some might label it true happiness. Others might throw in a touch of humble gratitude and affection. Whatever it is, the true joy of giving has the power to transform us right down to the cellular level.

What’s really profound is that tapping that wellspring of emotion doesn’t have to be hard. It can be triggered by something as simple as a small act of kindness that we do for someone else. It’s as easy as a thank you and is a shareable gift in that by giving to others, we find our own personal happiness. In short, we can improve our own quality of life in any number of ways simply by being kind and giving to others.

Kindness Chemistry: The Healthy Benefits of Being Nice

Simply witnessing an act of kindness initiates a physiological response in our body with the release of a number of beneficial chemicals. Oxytocin is often called the “love hormone” because its release is associated with romantic feelings and mother-infant bonding, but its influence extends to more platonic dimensions like social relationships, generosity to others and the ability to trust. The release of oxytocin can even lower our blood pressure and reduce inflammation.

Dopamine is a chemical that is both a neurotransmitter and a hormone. It’s closely associated with our brain’s pleasure and reward centers. Its release is responsible for the euphoric feeling of “the helper’s high.” Even simple anticipation of something pleasurable can release dopamine.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that also acts as a hormone. It can make us feel calmer, more focused, happier even. It also makes us sleep better and aids healing.

Endorphins are natural pain killers that the body can release when stimulated. They not only relieve aches and pains so that we feel stronger, but they also make us more optimistic, improve our self-image, reduce anxiety and even help us lose weight.

If we’re the person performing a kindness for someone else, the positive response can be even more intense. Whether we simply witness them or actually perform them, acts of kindness are beneficial to our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Kindness Improves Workplace Quality of Life and Success

When you consider that we spend about one-third of our lives working, our work environment has a direct impact on our quality of life. Researchers have found that the prevalence of five organizational behaviors—altruism, courtesy, sportsmanship, conscientiousness and civic virtue—matters to the success of both individuals and the companies where they work. 

In fact, the levels of these behaviors are predictive of everything from how managers evaluate employees and whether employees want to stay to a company’s productivity, cost efficiency, employee turnover rate and customer retention. When you consider that social behavior tends to encourage more of the same behavior in tight-knit groups, a little bit of kindness goes a long way toward making the workplace — and the world — a better place for all of us.

Unlocking the Benefits of Kindness

Kindness comes in many forms, and honestly, it really comes down to you. Here are a few simple ways to show kindness and give appreciation that cost little to nothing — while making you feel happier and more fulfilled in your everyday life.

1.  Send Handwritten Thank You Cards

A kindness as simple as writing a thank you—just a small handwritten note—can make us incredibly happy. A study at the University of Pennsylvania of 411 participants used various writing assignments as “positive psychology interventions.” The task, however, that elicited a “huge increase in happiness scores” was one in which participants had to write and personally deliver a thank you to someone they’d previously failed to recognize for their kindness. Writing those sincere notes of gratitude was a potent exercise. Not only did participants feel happier at the time of the activity, but also the positive effects lasted for a month.

 2. Give Verbal Appreciation First

Saying thank you in advance has punch. To prove it, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania looked at the effect of expressing gratitude versus not expressing gratitude to workers tasked with calling potential donors for a university fund-raising event. When managers made a point of recognizing their workers’ efforts and thanking them in advance, those workers made 50 percent more fund-raising calls than the teams who received no thanks in advance. Something as simple as a front-loaded thank you can inspire people around you to offer their very best — and everyone benefits.

3.  Give Genuine Compliments

Compliments actually hold greater benefits for the giver of the compliment than the receiver. Saying something positive to or about someone requires that we think about them in a positive light—a process that can make us feel closer to them. The really interesting twist that researchers discovered was why so many of us hesitate to give compliments: social anxiety. Since a study on that very topic leads us to the conclusion that kind acts relieve social anxiety, looking for the good in others and complimenting them on what we find is a sound way to build our own sense of social connection and security.

4.  Spend More on Others than on Yourself

Study after study demonstrates that giving to others makes us happier than keeping things for ourselves. The classic study from 2008 looked at how people spend their money, finding that “spending more of one’s income on others predicted greater happiness.” Even when the study gave study participants money and directed some to spend it on themselves and others to spend it on someone else, members of the second group reported greater levels of happiness than those who’d been told to spend it on themselves.

Another study directed individuals to recall previous purchases—either for themselves or for someone else. Those who focused on purchases made for someone else reported greater levels of happiness. In fact, the happier those individuals felt, the more likely they were to spend an additional monetary windfall on someone else.

So, an additional benefit is that the joy of giving can be recalled repeatedly over time to encourage more giving and add to our reservoir of happiness.

Make Kindness Your Calling Card

If you’re feeling the urge to spread a little kindness this season, Cane River Pecan Company’s collection of gourmet pecan gifts and Southern specialties is a perfect place to start. Explore our collection, or reach out to our corporate gifting specialists. Go ahead and delight the special people in your life—and reap the benefits of a gift well given.

8 Heartwarming Office Traditions to Bring Holiday Cheer

Holidays often represent the height of corporate gifting in all of its forms. Meanwhile, clients, team members, managers or vendors all need fun events to look forward to at work — and especially during the holidays. Over time, seasonal activities can become favorite office traditions that everyone will look forward to year after year, building enthusiasm, motivation and good will. All it takes is the right mix of thoughtful corporate gift giving elements—a bit of time, a few resources, some effort, a shot of creativity and lots of inclusive ideas. Here are some of our all-time favorites:

1. Organize a Team Outing

Keep it fun and simple. It should be a few stress-free hours for everyone to do something together and power down—go out to lunch, go bowling, tour a local attraction or even volunteer at a favorite charity. Just about anything off-site can be a refreshing change of pace. Ask for ideas, and be generous with the invitations. You might be intrigued by how interesting some of the suggestions might be.

2. Arrange an Ugly Sweater Day

Gaudy, loud holiday sweaters that are too much of everything have become a must-have holiday activity for many. In fact, ugly holiday wear has expanded to allow for a truly impressive holiday ensemble that may include pants, ties, leggings, shoes and more. You might even want to award a few superlatives for employees who show up in the most creative outfit. Set your office’s official “Ugly Sweater Day,” and watch the festivities unfold!

3. Cheer Up Their Day with a Cookie Tray

Cookies are the classic holiday sweet. Pick a day for your cookie event, invite everyone to bring servings of their favorite cookies and show up ready to share. If people in your office like to bake, homemade is great. However, purchased trays are also great (and convenient), offering tasty varieties of holiday favorites. Be sure to include a few diabetic-friendly or gluten-free selections for those with dietary restrictions or allergies.

4. Give to a Local Charity

Donating to a good cause together is a wonderful way to grow closer as a team. Elderly residents at your local nursing home may be thrilled to receive new slippers or nonslip socks. Local animal shelters love holiday donations of cat and dog food, cleaning supplies and litter. Boys & Girls Clubs often have donation wish lists that include everything from school supplies and movie tickets to USB drives and scientific calculators. Giving to those in need is truly corporate giving at its finest — and it’s a great way to make your entire team feel warm and fuzzy this season.

5. Declare a Decoration Spirit Week

Nothing says Christmas like cheerful decor to set the mood. Cubicles, lounges, meeting spaces, offices, lobbies, lockers, and even doors and thresholds can benefit from a bit of holiday sparkle, so why not make things fun by hosting an office-wide decoration contest for work spaces? You can even choose to incentivize team members by offering a prize for the best decorations.

6. Have a Potluck or Catered Lunch

Sometimes humorously referred to as “pig-ins,” potluck lunches are amongst the most popular workplace holiday events. The idea is simple: Everyone brings a favorite dish to share, and with so many participating, it becomes a great time to not only enjoy holiday staples but to also expand your palate with new culinary delights. An alternative option that requires less work on your team’s part is to have a large catered lunch. Regardless of which option you go with, be sure to have takeout boxes available for individuals who might otherwise miss out or for anyone to take leftovers at closing time.

7. Exchange Gifts at Work

Two perennial favorites in gifting games are Secret Santa and White Elephant gift exchanges. For Secret Santa, gifting is anonymous, and the fun is in each recipient trying to guess who their Secret Santa might be. For white elephant exchanges, the fun is in watching each participant decide whether to open a new gift or steal one that someone else already has. Either game offers plenty of entertainment and fun for your crew — with relatively little investment or time commitment.

8. Give Corporate Holiday Gifts That Everyone Will Love

An official gift from the company or business brings a successful year to a close on a high note of appreciation for jobs well done, challenges well met and potential for the year to come. Like all of the other traditions we love, the best gifting strategies are inclusive rather than exclusive:

  • Employee gifts represent a huge thank you to the workers who have remained committed to doing a good job despite the challenges of the past few years.
  • Vendor gifts serve as a reaffirmation of the partnerships you’ve struck with other business owners and suppliers.
  • Client gifts deliver that extra attention so crucial for keeping current clients happy and firming up relationships with newly developing ones.

A lot of options are available out there, but gifts of food are always winners—especially when they’re distinctive treats that recipients can share with family. The best choices often become something everyone looks forward to year after year.

Give Tastefully This Season

Nothing else is quite like the look, taste, smell, texture and crunch of a gourmet pecan, and we take it all a step further with custom arrangements and personalized tins that leave no question in a gift recipient’s mind of the quality treat they’ve received.

If you want to give something memorable this holiday season, let our corporate gifting specialists help you find the perfect gifts to make their season. Whether you’re gifting clients, employees or vendors, the selections at Cane River Pecan Company have you covered with premium pecan treats, pecan pies, popcorn and a variety of Southern specialties.

How to Use Gifting as a Tactic for Trade Show Networking

When it comes to growing your network and reeling in new opportunities for business, trade shows are quite literally the land of milk and honey for company leaders and their marketing teams. After all, trade shows are the fundamental meet-and-greet events of nearly every industry — the place where we can make those essential connections with vendors, partners and clients. Connections that ultimately shape the evolution of our products and services. To put it simply: they’re a big deal!

Each booth highlights the latest innovations, and they naturally draw competitive business people with shared interests together. The number of like-minded professionals and enterprising start-ups boost the energy in a hall, offering a whole new level of enthusiasm and connectivity.

Making new friends face-to-face is easy enough for the seasoned salesperson. The problem becomes how to sustain those new business relationships after the trade show ends and communication turns digital or increasingly difficult with geographic distance. This is where corporate gifting shines. Sending a well-timed follow-up gift offers a cost-effective and professional way to keep you front and center, reminding your connections that you are indeed the person they want to work with.

The Who’s Who at Trade Shows 

Understanding the value of the connections you can make at tradeshows is illustrated easily by the demographics of people who frequent each event. These aren’t everyday lay people passing through. In fact, the majority of people passing by each booth every hour could more than likely be the exact kind of people your business needs as a partner or client. Typically, attendees fall into three categories:

Relationship Strengtheners

They want to continue, refresh or deepen current business partnerships with one-on-one activities associated with the trade show and surrounding environs.


They may be dissatisfied with their current vendors or suppliers and are screening for a business partner who offers a better fit for their expectations.


They have made advancements or improvements that they want to showcase and introduce to existing and potential new clients as a selling point. This includes both start-ups eager to make a splash in the industry as well as experienced business people who want to expand or solidify their serious client base.

Because of the potential value waiting in the crowd, businesses are expected to up their game. Simply put, trade shows are such an essential part of business-to-business relationships, and having a poor networking strategy does your business no favors. Plus, with so much competition on the floor for the attention of attendees, having a tactic like follow-up gifting can truly separate you from the pack.

The Benefits of Follow-Up Gifting

Most companies will reach out following a trade show. However, they often fall back on impersonal mail-merged emails or boilerplate direct mailers. These gestures take little effort and are easily deleted or discarded with little regard for the sender. In fact, following a busy trade show, companies or clients may receive a flurry of these follow-ups, most of them indistinguishable from the others. The real question is how to stand out as a serious contender who will deliver what is promised.

Corporate gifting is the giving of a small token of respect and gratitude. Amounts of worth are typically nominal, but ideally, the gift shows a bit of thought. The focus is on professional courtesy and a willingness to invest time and effort to make a business partnership work for both of you. Ultimately, the idea is to set you and your company apart from the rest of the competition. Here are a few ways follow-up gifting can give you the edge:


A well-timed gift from the friendly face they recently met is a great way to jog the memory and place you top of mind. Plus, if you really want to be remembered, food takes advantage of a thing called sensory memory. Food gifts involve all five senses—taste, touch, smell, sight and even sound. From the crinkle of a wrapper or the texture of an item in the hand to the aroma, and the savory or sweet taste, food is powerful in its ability to create memories. This, of course, can help make you more memorable. After all, you never know. Your food gift may prove to be the only thing they actually have time to eat on a busy day.

Brand Awareness

Choosing tasteful, appropriate yet somewhat personalized corporate gifts reflects upon your own brand and reputation by association. Do you give out the same mug or pen to everyone to add to their collection, or do you give something a bit different, something that they can enjoy and perhaps share—something that shows you enjoy something small but of quality in common?

Indication of Work Ethic

Extending your hand with a professional yet personal gesture demonstrates that you’re not only willing to do the work you need to do but also invest in your partners. A corporate gift should be small, but it should also be indicative of the kind of business relationship you want to establish or maintain. It also conveys the comforting sense of plenty, generosity and a well-managed enterprise versus the unsettling impression of scarcity.

Get an Edge with Gifting

Staying relevant in today’s business world takes solid networking tactics. Follow-up gifting after trade shows — and even gifting just for staying in touch — are simple ways to enhance your networking success and boost your industry partnerships for the long term. 

If you would like to know more about ways you can tastefully enrich your business-to-business relationships, reach out to the gifting experts at Cane River Pecan Company. We can help you find the perfect memorable gourmet pecan gift to keep you at the top of every contact’s list.

Ready to Get Started?

Our team is experienced in corporate gifting and can help you select and send the perfect gifts for everyone on your list this season. Contact our Gifting Specialist today at 1.800.293.8710!

The Mardi Gras Tradition of King’s Day

When you mention Carnival time, opulent parades, parties and displays of Mardi Gras celebrations immediately come to mind for most people. However, Mardi Gras is the very last day of Carnival. By the time we’re celebrating Mardi Gras, Carnival is at its end, Lent is about to begin, and many of us have missed out on all the joys of what Louisiana natives revere as an entire Carnival season. This year, make a resolution to begin Carnival right, starting with King’s Day—the very first day of Carnival—with its own very special traditions.

What Is King’s Day?

Just as Christmas always falls on December 25th in Western Christian traditions, King’s Day is always January 6th and marks both the end of the 12 days of Christmas and the beginning of Carnival. King’s Day celebrates the Christian Feast of the Epiphany, often referred to simply as Epiphany, commemorating the visit of the three magi who followed a star to pay homage to the Christ child with precious gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The occasion is often also referred to as Three Kings Day to remind us that a trio of determined wise men made the long, dangerous journey to Bethlehem. Twelfth Night is the eve of Epiphany, marking the days that had passed since Jesus’ birth.

The History of King’s Day

The celebration of Epiphany dates back to the Christian churches of Rome in the mid-to-late fourth century. The earliest reference comes from Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus, who wrote in the year 361 that January 6 was Christ’s birthday and Epiphany. However, it wasn’t until mid-sixth century—the year 534—that the Western church separated Christ’s birth and the visit of the magi into two separate festivals—the former being held on December 25, and the latter being held on January 6.

Since then, the Feast of the Epiphany or Three Kings Day has spread around the world as one of the most important dates on the Christian Church calendar — one worth celebrating with blessings, parties and, of course, king cake.

The Evolution of King Cake

In general, cake has historically carried great cultural, social and even religious significance. Cake represented plenty and the luxurious idea that one had enough supplies to be able to make something special to be shared.

Food historians place the king cake’s origins at least as far back as ancient Rome and its festival Saturnalia. Observed in December, Saturnalia was an agricultural holiday celebrating the harvest and a time of plenty. It was also a time when many social conventions were suspended. A key event was a reversal of roles between servants and masters. Most households served a special cake in which a fava bean was hidden—a bean that some cultures even considered magical. The servant or individual who received the bean in their piece of cake was declared king for the day.

As Christianity replaced paganism, Christmas and Epiphany gradually displaced and replaced the ancient Saturnalia, but the sweet confection known as king cake took its place as a key feature of Three Kings Day wherever you might be.

Today’s modern king cake gets its origins from France’s Galette Des Rois, a form of king cake that is perhaps the most iconic of all Epiphany confections. The galette des rois is a round of puff pastry filled with frangipane, sweet almond paste. It’s often served with cider or a sparkling wine like Champagne. When it’s cut, a young child is to sit beneath the table, calling out who should receive each slice. Whoever finds the fève in their serving gets to claim the gold crown that comes with the pastry.

Celebrating Like a Local

In Louisiana, Carnival is also known as king cake season, with King’s Day on January 6th marking its start. While many king cakes will be eaten on the feast day, many, many more king cakes will be devoured throughout the entire Carnival season.

You can count on any number of variations on a light, delicious sweet dough iced or sugared in Carnival’s official colors of purple, green and gold—colors that Louisiana businessmen selected in 1872 to represent justice, faith and power, respectively. Cakes may be the traditional oval, braided or stuffed with any number of delectable fillings, and you can nearly always count on a little baby Jesus making an appearance to commemorate the occasion—and determine who has to buy the next king cake.

This year, start Carnival off right with an authentic king cake from Cane River Pecan Company for King’s Day. Explore our online collection of flavors today, and share a sweet beginning to the Mardi Gras season with your friends, family and coworkers.








England – https://britishfoodoistory.com/2019/01/05/twelfth-night-cake/

Portugal – https://www.aportugueseaffair.com/bolo-rei-the-cake-of-kings/ https://thesoundsofportuguese.com/january-traditions-in-portugal/ https://saltofportugal.com/2018/12/17/the-queens-cake/

Spain Latin America – https://www.aesu.com/central-america/three-kings-day-and-its-importance-in-latin-america/ https://www.ksat.com/sa-live/2021/01/07/what-is-rosca-de-reyes-and-why-is-it-eaten-on-jan-6/ https://belatina.com/three-kings-day-across-latin-america/

Germany – https://www.thelocal.de/20200106/germany-public-holiday-why-is-three-kings-day-celebrated/ https://baketotheroots.de/dreikonigskuchen-aka-kings-cake/

France – https://www.cyclomundo.com/blog/77-a-great-french-tradition–the–galette-des-rois–explained.html https://www.bordeauxcognactourguide.com/en/do-you-know-the-galette-des-rois-a-very-french-tradition



5 Ways to Preserve the Spirit of the Holidays

When you think of the holidays, you probably imagine scenes of carefree fun and displays of love. Families enjoying cozy nights in. Friends experiencing the magic of winter outside. Loved ones sharing moments and surprising each other with tokens of appreciation. But it seems, somewhere along the way, that spirit has slowly begun to slip away.

According to a report by Business Insider, nearly 40% of Americans said that they would skip the holiday season altogether if they could because of the season’s overwhelming stress levels. When you see a number like that, you’ve got to ask: how did “the most wonderful time of year” become such a nightmare for so many?

The most likely culprit? We simply don’t have the time or money to enjoy it. 69% of people say not having enough time and money makes enjoying the holidays difficult. And that shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, the feeling of constantly being on a schedule, not having downtime and being under financial pressure are enough to exhaust anyone. 

This time of year is one of our absolute favorites at Cane River Pecan Company — and we believe it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are a few ways you can lighten your own load this year and bring back the spirit of the season for your family.

1.  Enforce Work-Life Boundaries

The last three months of the year tend to become a whirlwind sprint for most industries, leaving employees working overtime or having to pick up extra shifts. Unfortunately, this means we’re stuck pouring our precious holiday time into spreadsheets, word docs and business meetings, leaving us with little energy and free time to really enjoy the season in all its glory.

The best course of action is to plan ahead. If you have unused PTO by the end of the year, be sure to schedule days off to guarantee you have breathing room for personal time. When it comes to your workload, make a schedule for accomplishing tasks, and set boundaries for yourself to protect your offline hours. That may mean not checking your work email past 6pm or on weekends and letting your supervisor know that you are over scheduled when work hours aren’t enough. 

2.  Increase One-on-One Time

Despite what you may think, one-on-one time actually grows quite scarce once the latter half of November hits. We might be seeing more people, but with so much bouncing around from event to event and errand to errand, we actually don’t often take the time to sit down and enjoy spending time with loved ones.

Be intentional about how you visit with others this season. Some days, we have to be on a schedule. But for the days we don’t, put down the phone, pull up a chair and let yourself lose track of time enjoying the company of others.

3.  Enjoy Something Spontaneous

Part of the holiday magic are the things we don’t plan for — the impromptu visit from our childhood friend or a surprise engagement. Part of the problem with the holidays becoming so busy is that we make the mistake of overplanning everything. When every hour of our week is accounted for in a calendar, it leaves little room for something unexpected to happen.

Leave yourself pockets of time just to enjoy the atmosphere. Take the family on a car ride looking for Christmas lights. Make a detour at lunch to try the new holiday drink special at your local café. Unplug with a night of feel-good movies. Little unexpected adventures can bring excitement to your season that gets lost when we overplan and overschedule our days.

4.  Spend Less Time in Stores

Almost 50% of people say that holiday shoppers are their main source of anxiety. With increased traffic, time pressures and the threat of COVID-19 still looming in crowded public spaces, it’s no wonder that spending large amounts of time hunting down gifts in person drags down the mood.

To reduce your in-store time, consider consolidating all of your shopping to one day or do shopping online. You can also brainstorm non-traditional ways to treat the people on your list.

5.  Streamline Gifting

Even if you decide to skip shopping in person, coordinating gifts for a list of people online can still present its own challenges. For one thing, placing multiple orders from different stores can present logistical challenges if one of your packages becomes lost in transit or placed on backorder.

You can streamline your online gifting by working with a company that specializes in holiday gifting. These vendors often provide a selection of gifts to suit a variety of tastes and they can help coordinate your order so everyone receives their gift on time. Not only do you leave your loved ones with a lasting memory — but you also save so much time and headaches in the process.

We’ve Got Your Back This Season

At Cane River Pecan Company, we understand better than most just how hectic the holidays can be. That’s why we’re committed to helping everyone send unforgettable pecan gifts to their loved ones this season. From unique pecan specialties to bulk ordering and shipment, we can make your Christmas shopping simple and stress-free — so you have more quality time for everything else on your list! Get started today by visiting our online store or calling 1-866-475-6278 to speak with a gifting specialist.

4 Reasons Every Wealth Manager Should Give Client Gifts

As is the case in many industries — but especially within wealth management services — having a strong client network is integral to the success of your business. Because of the nature of wealth management work, the ideal client tends to be more discerning of the people they work alongside, socialize with and entrust their money to. Simply put, these people want to work with advisors who make them a priority.

With heightened standards in mind, finding ways throughout the year to remind clients of the value you bring can spell the difference between a fast-fizzled engagement and a thriving, long-term partnership. And as for new opportunities? Well, the same can be said for getting your foot in the door with prospective clients, too.

Reach out to our gifting specialist today!

The Benefits of Client Gifting

Sending quality gifts is one of the best ways to strengthen and create connections with valuable contacts. Whether you’re trying to solidify current partnerships or you’re reaching out to new prospects, gifting offers a solution that rewards your effort in a variety of ways. Here are four of the biggest benefits you can expect from sending your partners an unexpected gift this season.

1.  Stay Top of Mind

With “banner blindness” and ad exhaustion seemingly stronger during busy shopping seasons, having a way to subtly remind people of who you are and the services you offer is invaluable. With gifting, you have a great tactic for keeping your name in front of clients and prospects in a way they’ll actually appreciate. After all, no one is hitting the skip button on a fresh box of pralines.

2.  Emphasize Your Client’s Value

Remember, your clients know their own worth. They want to work with someone who recognizes it, too. By sending them quality gifts — no matter the time of the year — you are illustrating how important they are to your business. If you’re willing to put forth this type of effort to recognize them individually, you’re likely working very hard on their financial behalf as well. 

3.  Reward and Encourage Loyalty

There just can’t be enough said of clients who stick by your side. With a market chocked full of competitors, loyalty is harder to come by these days — so you should reward it when you can. Consider creating gifting tiers for your current pool of clients, and send upgraded gifts to those who stay with you longer. This makes long-term partners feel appreciated for their commitment and trust in your expertise.

4.  Expand Your Reach

Don’t limit yourself to just current clients. Gifting can also be leveraged to establish connections with prospects, too. A thoughtful token or shareable box of treats with a warm greeting shows initiative and willingness to go the extra mile — two attributes that raise the stock of any wealth advisor. Plus, if you time your gifts right, they can help trigger an influx of new work just when you need it.

Stand Out This Season

At Cane River Pecan Company, we understand that making a big impression on your most valuable contacts is important. That’s why we make corporate gift fulfillment simple and stress-free. From gift selection to customization and order support, our specialists can help you every step of the way to find the ideal pecan gifts and unique Southern specialties to delight everyone on your list this year.

Reach out to our gifting specialist today!

The 5 Biggest Benefits of Giving Your Employees Gifts

There’s no doubt about it — happy, hardworking employees make the business world go ‘round. They drive production and ensure that customers receive a satisfying experience with the product or service.

But as time goes on, many businesses find that keeping employees engaged in their roles can be a real challenge. And of course, the more employees become disconnected, the greater the toll it takes on everything, from customer satisfaction to product output and sales. Simply put, if employees aren’t satisfied with the place they work, it’s going to show in the bottom line.

So how do business leaders begin to address the problem? While there are many things every company should have in place to address personal issues with employees — like a functioning and capable HR department —there are also everyday actions leaders can take to ensure their team feels seen and appreciated. One of the simplest ways to do this is through employee gifting.

Gallup studies show that recognizing employees for their hard work, skills and individuality offers businesses a wide spectrum of benefits. If you’re considering starting an internal gifting program at your organization, here’s some potential perks you can look forward to:


As it turns out, employees who have something to look forward to or gain from going the extra mile tend to do so — which helps increase your bottom line. By giving routine recognition for hard work and exemplary performance, you set the standard for the entire workforce and encourage everyone to put their best foot forward in hopes of a reward.


Milestone gifts and weekly, monthly or even quarterly productivity rewards act as constant reminders to your employees that their work matters and can earn them additional prestige, money or rewards. This helps keep them on track for things like monthly work goals, daily timesheets or other productivity metrics that may otherwise be hard to maintain long term.


The majority of your customers first come into contact with your employees — not you. With that in mind, ensuring your workers are happy and engaged in their roles is essential to maintaining good standing with all of your external audiences. Employees that feel valued and important are more likely to do their jobs better and give customers a positive — perhaps even memorable — experience.


Why do employees leave companies? It can be a hard question to answer because, the truth is, they leave for many reasons. However, it can’t be denied that a major contribution to turnover is simply unhappiness. A Harvard Business Review survey found that employees that stay at their jobs for longer than six months post-survey were 31% more likely to say they found their work enjoyable. Create a place people enjoy working in, and you’re more likely to hold onto your pool of talent.


When we envision our brainstorming sessions and company-wide meetings, we often see a room full of smiling faces eager to offer ideas and get involved. Waning work interest from your employees often presents itself as forms of apathy, distraction and absenteeism. Keep workers passionate about your business’s goals and aspirations by giving rewards to those who help reach milestones or contribute valuable ideas that move the chains up the field.

Happy Employees Make Successful Companies

When a company’s success rides on the motivation of its employees, staying connected to everyone on your team becomes a top priority. If you’re looking for ways to encourage your crew, boost morale and gain loyalty, a gifting program can make all the difference. 

At Cane River Pecan Company, we are corporate gifting specialists. With our collection of gourmet pecan gifts and southern specialties, we offer a variety of options to delight and reward your entire team. Explore our selection online or reach out today by calling 1.800.293.8710 to see how we can help customize a solution for you.

Clementine Hunter: A Louisiana Folk Art Legend

Clementine Hunter was one of the most unique and inspirational folk artists of the 20th century. A self-taught artist and former plantation field hand, Hunter became a household name in her native Louisiana and was celebrated nationwide for her vividly colorful and charming depictions of plantation life. Sometimes referred to as “the black Grandma Moses” (another famous self-taught folk artist) she made a substantial impact on the art world.

Hunter was born in 1886 or 1887 (her exact birthdate is unknown) into a Louisiana Creole family living at Hidden Hill Plantation in Louisiana. She worked in the fields there along with her parents and six brothers and sisters before moving to the historic Melrose Plantation in Central Louisiana at the age of 15. There Hunter worked picking cotton for many years. She only went to school for 10 days before deciding she preferred working in the fields to school work – and as a result Hunter never learned to read or write.

In 1924, she married local woodchopper Emmanuel Hunter, who would eventually teach Clementine how to speak English (she could only speak Creole French before). Over the years, Hunter bore seven children, and was said to have picked nearly 80 pounds of cotton on the day she gave birth to one of them (she finally stopped working, went home and called for the midwife). A few days later she was back in the fields picking cotton.

By the late 1920s, Hunter had left the fields and began working as a cook and housekeeper at Melrose Plantation. In those days, the owner of the plantation had created an artist’s colony on the grounds – and many famous painters and writers came there to live and work on their craft. As fate would have it, Hunter found some brushes and paint that New Orleans artist Alberta Kinsey had left behind. Shortly thereafter, Hunter – who was now in her 50s – used them to create a depiction of a river baptism on a window shade. This was the unlikely yet amazing beginning of Hunter’s career as an artist in 1939.

Painting from memory, Hunter recreated scenes from her life as a plantation worker – picking cotton, harvesting pecans, washing clothes, river baptisms, weddings, funerals and more. Her style was bold, forceful and used vibrant colors – and she ignored the rules of perspective and scale followed by many other artists. Hunter was also unique in using many different materials as canvases – from discarded cardboard boxes to window shades, gourds, bottles and jugs, just to name a few.

While Hunter would eventually earn a reputation as a legendary folk artist, most of her life was lived in near poverty. She made small amounts of money by giving people tours of her home and the paintings there for 25 cents – and would also charge one dollar for taking a photo with her. She was selling her paintings for as little as 25 cents each by the 1940s, but by the time of her death in 1988 art dealers were selling her work for thousands of dollars. This never seemed to phase Hunter, as she always said she loved painting and didn’t do it for the money – and she often gave her paintings away for free.

While Hunter’s work serves as a record of her life and experiences, it’s important to note that her paintings are also a representation of the African American culture and everyday life in Central Louisiana during the early to mid-1900s. Today, her work is highly acclaimed and has been displayed in venerated museums including the Smithsonian Institute, New York Museum of Folk Art, Dallas Museum of Fine Art, Minneapolis Institute of Art, and New Orleans Museum of Art, among others.

Cane River Pecan Company is proud to offer a wide selection of products featuring the wonderful art of Clementine Hunter. This includes tins filled with our gourmet pecan treats, as well as plates, trays, platters and books featuring her work. We invite you to view our full array of items featuring the work of this Louisiana legend either in our corporate store in New Iberia, or on our Clementine Hunter features products page online.

4 Big Ways a Gifting Specialist Can Help Your Business

When you’re trying to grow your business or make new professional connections, you don’t exactly have time to also be a gifting expert. Though it sounds simple from the outside, corporate gifting is filled with nuances, etiquette and timelines that are hard to navigate on your own. This is precisely the reason why having a gifting specialist in your corner is so helpful — especially during busy seasons like the holidays or peak sales times.

At Cane River Pecan Company, our lead gifting specialist is Sandy, and she leads a team of advisors who help customers like you plan the perfect gift drop for their most important contacts. If you’re thinking about running your own gifting program for your business this year, here are a few ways that experts like Sandy can help you make the most of your gifting efforts.

1. Gifting Guidance

Finding the right gifts isn’t always as easy as it seems, especially when you have a massive list of recipients and a limited budget. A good gifting specialist will help you analyze your list to determine who gets what type of gift and then match those groups to great selections within your price range. Our team of gifting specialists has an expert-level understanding of the gourmet pecan gifts we offer. This allows them to be able to make great recommendations based on how many people you’re sending to and how much money you’d like to spend.

2.  Order Strategy

Maybe placing orders is simple when you only have a handful of recipients. But for businesses planning on hitting all their bases for the season, order placement and gift timing can be complex and frustrating to nail down. When you work with a gifting specialist, however, that process gets streamlined quite a bit. Not only can they help manage your order list, but they can also give advice on timelines to make sure your surprise arrives right when you intend it to. At Cane River Pecan Company, Sandy and her team take the stress out of order placement. Whether you choose to shop online or call us directly, all you have to do is provide her with the details — our team will handle the rest.

3.  Bulk Shipping

Organizing large or multi-destination orders can be really challenging for any business development professional. There are many moving parts and factors to consider, and coordinating it all takes a lot of time — something busy business leaders just don’t have. That’s where a gifting specialist makes all the difference. Our experts help assess your pool of recipients to ensure everything gets sent to the right person on time. Our team even provides a gift list spreadsheet to help you organize your list prior to ordering.

4.  Customization Support

Adding your brand to any gift you send in a professional capacity not only helps your recipients remember who sent them — it makes a statement about your company’s standards as well. Corporate gifting is a business investment, so making the most of that investment usually requires ensuring your gift will stand out. If you’re looking to boost your brand’s image, a gifting specialist can help identify customization options for gifting that will add to your brand’s image and make a big splash with recipients. For example, our team works with clients one-on-one to create the perfect custom look for every order. We handle the logistics, so all that’s left to do is provide your logos and let the team work their magic.

Get Started Today

When gifting is an integral part of your business outreach, getting connected with a gifting specialist early on is your best bet to find success. The sooner you begin exploring gifts and planning your strategy, the more options your company will have access to — and the more beneficial a gifting specialist will be to your efforts.

If you’re considering Cane River Pecan Company for your gifting needs, reach out to our team today. From gift selection and customization to sending, Sandy and our team of gifting specialists have your back and will help you find the right solution to ensure all your favorites feel the love this season.