Take Charge of Your Holiday Shopping List

Christmas is around the corner, but many of us are feeling the pressure to get that perfect gift for everyone on our list. It can be easy to overspend and overshop this time of the year — level out the stress by taking these easy tips to make your holiday shopping a snap.

Prioritize the Giftees and Make a Budget

Staying in the spirit of the season doesn’t necessarily require everyone on your list be treated like royalty. Look at your overall list and make a realistic budget on what you can afford to spend total. Family and significant others may find themselves at the top of the list, while acquaintances, work colleagues and other loved ones who aren’t in your “inner circle” may be better receiving a batch-made DIY gift or inexpensive token along with a warm card. Continue reading Take Charge of Your Holiday Shopping List

A Community Affair

One of the main reasons our pecan company has flourished over the past few decades is due in large part to our supportive community here in Acadiana and specifically our home town of New Iberia, Louisiana.  We cannot begin to tell you how many of our customers are local and loyal and work as brand ambassadors for our products and services.  We are sincerely humbled when we think of the local oil and gas companies, commercial banks, healthcare professionals, wealth advisors, contractors, engineers, law firms, insurance groups and more who patronize our company year in and year out to provide their clients, customers and employees with gourmet pecan gifts from our company.  And of course we cannot begin to forget the scores of consumers who come to us for their pecan needs to include in every holiday dish imaginable or want the chance to ship a bit of “home” to every corner of this big world we live in.  We are blessed and extremely thankful to our base of local customers. Continue reading A Community Affair

Pecan Prices Continue to Rise

001crp-(2)-smMy family has been in the pecan industry for the past 45 years and never have we seen the escalating pecan prices that we have seen during the last few. Pecan prices are at an historic high. There have many national stories from Forbes to The Wall Street Journal that have covered the bewildering high pecan prices and how this will affect the common consumer. I feel compelled to weigh in and give my perspective since it is my livelihood. Continue reading Pecan Prices Continue to Rise

Being Cold on Cane River

DSC_5363.JPGI have memories of being cold – really cold – on Cane River. A large portion of our orchards in Natchitoches Parish, La., was located on a beautiful stretch of this scenic river, which is actually a lake due to dams built in the early 20th century. It meanders through a part of Louisiana that is graced with historic plantation homes, huge stately oaks, occasional cotton fields and beautiful pecan orchards. Even though we are located here in the Deep South, many in the area consider the Cane River country North Louisiana. (We tend to think of anything above Interstate 10 in Louisiana as North!) Only about 120 miles separate Cane River Country from South Louisiana, but in those few miles the land begins to take a new shape. The dirt turns from black to red, crops go from sugar cane to beans, cotton and pecans, and the temperatures are relatively cooler. It’s almost as if you’ve entered another state.

It is these “cooler” temperatures that I remember most about the harvests on Cane River. My father would rise early with my two brothers and me in tow and throw open the barn doors on another day of pecan gathering. The barn was piled high with burlap sacks of pecans and was extremely cold until the mid-day sun could warm us all. The early morning was spent getting tractors gassed up, pickers to their assigned areas of the orchard, and setting up the picking tables and pecan sorter. It was constant motion that continued until the last pecan was picked for the season in late December.

However, life on a pecan farm in the early winter was not all work and no play. Many mornings we found time for a family duck hunt in old Ben Lake, a rather small 4-acre pond that inevitably found itself filled with hearty green heads on many mornings. Then there were cool morning squirrel hunts – which my father demanded was nothing more than an orchard varmint that just so happened to taste great over rice. We had a huge hay barn on the plantation that served as a virtual playground for active boys, and shooting BB guns was a rite of passage for all of us.

The end of the day was always met with a fire. Because we lived in New Iberia and our farm was located just outside of Natchitoches, my father rented a home that was conveniently located just beside his beloved pecan trees. The house was very modest; however, I remember a great old jukebox left there by the owner and a perfect little fireplace that was a cozy way to spend an evening after a long day in the field. When I think of Cane River in the winter I think of being cold. And when I think of being cold I think of being with my father at the end of the day in front of that fire. And that thought stills warms me today.

My Pecan Story

photoIt always happens. When I tell someone that I own a pecan company, they go into a pecan story. It usually begins with a tree. They go on about the pecan tree in their yard.  They would pick them. They would gather around them. They would cook with them. They would sometimes sell them. The stories are warm, heartfelt, comforting and usually bring them back to their childhood. I see the delight in their eyes, the smile on their face. I can tell they are speaking about something that makes them happy.

So it should be no surprise that working in the pecan industry makes me happy. My company deals primarily with people who are looking to source the very best pecans on the market to make that one comfort dish, special candy or favorite pie. Or I’ll work with a large corporate client who raves about the comments and compliments they receive when they gift pecans to their customers. Either way, we are dealing with happy people and that makes what I do really special.

This is our very first blog post. It has been some years in the making – or rather, I should say, we could hold off no longer. Our brand experts told us, “It’s time.” So I wanted to start with “my pecan story” so our readers will know who they are dealing with here. Our blog name, as you can see, is called “What’s Crackin’?.” I have to give my cousin Ward credit for the title. He is an aspiring singer/songwriter in Nashville, TN and cleverly came up with the name when asked for an idea. He is witty like that. We liked it because it is somewhat of throwback to my intro into the pecan industry (you will hear more about that in bit) and it is not “all pecans” all of the time. What’s Crackin’ may veer off the reservation from time to time. We hope to share with you our small, family company products and services, but also talk about the South, southern hospitality, our heritage, our culture and the events that shape our company. There is no endgame. Really we hope to offer a glance into the life of a small business, our struggles, our triumphs and our love of all things pecans.

However, there is a beginning. And really, for me, it began the year I was born: 1969. Literally. That was the year my father and his brother bought pecan orchards along the historic Cane River in Natchitoches, LA. My Great Uncle Jady Henry planted our orchards. His family owned Louisiana’s famed Melrose Plantation, known nationally for its massive pecan orchards and artist residency. The plantation got its second round of notoriety when one of its own cotton pickers, Clementine Hunter, rose up to become Louisiana’s most famous folk art painter.


I have no recollection of the first pecan I ever saw or tasted. We (my two brothers and sister) just grew up in pecan orchards. There is not a fall season that goes by that vivid memories of the pecan harvest with my father does not occupy my mind. I can still smell the barn, the musty burlap sacks, diesel fuel for the tractors. I see pecans by the tens of thousands, sacks of pecans pilled to the rafters, hand-pickers lined up to weigh their day’s collection and to be paid. I can still hear the “crunch” of dried, fallen pecan leaves under my boots as we ran between the trees. Crunch, crunch, crunch. You can’t sneak up on anything in a pecan orchard in the fall. I remember cold mornings, pecan crackers slowly cracking each pecan, one by one, mechanically and my father working the phones with buyers from a dusty desk littered with bills, POs and yield records. It was the life on the farm.

When I was only 9 my father started my two brothers and me in a business endeavor that would last until we all left for college. We owned and operated The Nutcrackers in the garage of my parents’ home in New Iberia. The Nutcrackers cracked pecans for people after school and weekends on the fall. It was a legitimate company with duties, responsibilities, customers, bank notes, bills and a board of directors (even if we had our board meetings over peanut butter and jelly sandwiches).

I never really thought I would return home to work in the pecan industry but that is exactly what I did when I decided to leave my professional sports job with the Chicago Bears to return to Louisiana for a chance to be self-employed and grow our company’s opportunities. And I have never had a single regret.

Cane River Pecan Company has become Louisiana’s premier pecan gifting company. From the onset we focused our efforts on becoming a leader in business-to-business gifting services. It was my mother who really solidified our niche. She was the one who knocked on doors all over Southwest Louisiana to showcase our gourmet pecans. She was able to open accounts with a personable touch, a won’t-take-no-for-an-answer attitude and some of the best tasting pecans people had ever had. It was a deadly combination.

Along the way my family has worked in every aspect of the pecan industry. But what we are really proud of is our ability to continue in an industry that is celebrated throughout the South. I am a really proud Southerner and I love that pecans are adored here in the South. More than ever, I am encouraged that the South is enjoying much-deserved recognition and celebration for its food and lifestyle contributions. People around the country, I feel, are just beginning to learn what we have all known for a very long time – just how special our lives are, how close our families are and how seriously we take our food (and drink). I am proud to tell my pecan story and be a part of the movement.

So welcome, all of you pecan lovers. We hope that you will decide to keep up and hear about What’s Crackin’ from time to time.


Jady Regard
Cane River Pecan Company

Nutritious and Delicious Treats for Halloween with the Little Ones

It’s Halloween time, and that means sweet treats along with spooky tricks. When the harvest time rolls around, you may be wondering what to dole out that won’t leave trick-or-treaters buzzed on sugary junk food, or grinning like jack-o-lanterns later. Even the miniature-sized candy bars, as diminutive as they may be next to the full-sized ones from the store, pack a concerning amount of calories and sugar. Even worse, most don’t have a nutritional label on them, so you can’t keep track of just what you — or your kids — are consuming.

Thankfully, there are many alternatives out there that are as delicious as they are nutritious. While many adults fall into the trap of assuming that since Halloween is a night for kids to enjoy with wild abandon, encouraging overindulgence in unhealthy foods is A-OK. Nothing could be further from the truth! Instead, make it a special evening of food and fun with a few of these creative Halloween treats.

Spiced Pumpkin Seeds

Nothing beats the classic autumn activity of carving out a pumpkin for creative and fun decorations. Begin by picking out a large, round, ripe pumpkin from your local pumpkin patch or grocery store. Take it home and cut off the cap, then scoop out all the seeds, leaving only the hard shell. Let the little ones decorate or even carve their own pumpkins (using child-safe tools, of course!) and busy yourself by separating out the seeds from the stringy, goopy flesh from inside the gourd. Once all the seeds have been separated, rinse them thoroughly in a fine mesh sieve and allow to dry. Toss them in a large bowl with a generous dollop of olive oil and your favorite seasonings. These flavor styles can run the gamut of spicy to salty to sweet to whatever kind of seasonings your family enjoys. Some great combinations include:

  • Mediterranean: lemon zest, oregano, cumin
  • Spicy/Sweet: dried rosemary, brown sugar, cayenne, kosher salt
  • Indian Curry: curry powder, chili flakes, turmeric, dried coconut
  • Fiery Cajun: cayenne pepper, garlic powder, black pepper
  • Italian: parmesan, dried basil, garlic powder

Once the raw seeds are seasoned, preheat the oven to 350°F and spread the seeds out in a single layer on a large baking pan. Roast for 15 minutes or until seeds are completely dry, then toss. Continue to bake and toss at 10-minute intervals until seeds are crisp and lightly browned. Remove from oven and allow to cool thoroughly before scooping into bowls and serving to a gleeful audience. Pumpkin seeds can be eaten shell and all, or cracked open and enjoyed au naturale. Try placing handfuls into clear bags and tying with a colorful orange and black bow to make a Halloween-themed goodie bag! You can even go ultra-sophisticated by pairing three complementary flavors, or shaking individual batches with orange, brown, and black food coloring to mix together for a multicolored mixed treat.

In addition to being a fun and crunchy addition to your Halloween basket, pumpkin seeds are also a healthy superfood. High in zinc, which promotes metabolic response and cell regeneration, they also contain healthy fats and proteins to keep you and your little ones energetic for a night of tricking and treating. Pumpkin seeds also contain significant levels of manganese and Vitamin E, which help keep your blood sugar levels regulated and your skin healthy and glowing.

Homemade Caramel-Pecan Apples

Who doesn’t love the classic autumn party game of bobbing for apples? After the fun is finished for the night, consider whipping up a batch of classic caramel apples for hungry partygoers to snack on. Simply melt sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan until copper-colored and sizzling, then stir in about half as much softened butter and whisk vigorously until butter is mostly incorporated. Remove from heat and pour in an equal amount of heavy cream, stirring briskly until mixture is smooth and shiny. Add in a pinch of kosher salt to bring out the flavors and set aside. Meanwhile, slice ripe fall apples such as Honeycrisps or Fujis into wedges and scatter on a plate, then drizzle caramel sauce in thin streams over them. Allow to cool for a moment and serve.

While nobody will argue that caramel is exactly health food, this homemade version presents significant benefits over the neon-red pre-prepared apples that many trick-or-treaters are used to. It is completely free of the harmful dyes found in commercial versions, as well as high-fructose corn syrup that can cause blood sugar spikes. Additionally, the smaller serving size of wedges with a drizzle of sauce as opposed to a whole apple dripping with sugary coating will promote more mindful eating. Finally, apples themselves are nutritional powerhouses. High in fiber and Vitamin C, just one apple counts as a whole serving of fruit for the day!

One fun way to crunk up the fanciness of these caramel-drizzled apples is to serve them with a scattering of toasted pecans. Get your hands on the best nuts possible, such as Cane River pecans, and toss them in a pan with a little melted butter. Toast over a low heat until nuts are crisp and lightly browned. Add a little brown sugar for a sweet treat, or make them wickedly spicy with a pinch of cayenne. The healthy oils and fats within the nuts, as well as their high levels of protein, will help partygoers stay wide awake to enjoy the thrills of the night without any of the drowsiness or headaches that can come with a candy-induced blood sugar spike.

Dried Cinnamon Apples

Looking for another way to use the fall’s abundance of apples without the hassle of making caramel? Homemade dried apple rings are the answer. Just remove the cores from as many of these sweet, tart fruits as you have lying around. Cut them into thin rounds and crush with a neutral oil such as canola or grapeseed. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice, and place into a 250°F oven. Allow to roast until apples are dry and browning in spots, about three hours, then remove and serve warm. As a bonus, your home will smell like the flavors of the fall!

In addition to being heart-healthy and low-sugar, homemade apple rings are a great project to take on with a gang of little ones during the fall. Older children can take on coring the fruits, and even slice the rings with some supervision. Allow younger kids to handle brushing the rings with oil and sprinkling the spices, creating their favorite mix of flavors. Spend the apples’ cooking time playing party games such as “pin the nose on the witch,” or telling your favorite scary stories around the fire.

Like pumpkin seeds, these dried cinnamon apples are excellent stuffed into goodie bags and passed out at a party. Once dried they will keep for several days, making them an excellent choice for healthy snacks to keep around the house. To take the flavors up a notch, dice them up and mix into your favorite gingerbread recipe for a stunning combination of soft, chewy cookie and crisp, spiced apple.

Soft Maple Oat Pretzels with Pumpkin Dip

Who doesn’t love a soft, chewy pretzel studded with rock salt or sparkling sugar? These low-fat treats require some prep work, but are sure to stun when placed on the Halloween buffet table. Add one packet of dry yeast to 1 1/2 cups rolled oats and 3 cups whole-wheat flour and stir well to combine. Add a pinch of salt, 3/4 cups milk, 1/4 cup of maple syrup, and two tablespoons of neutral oil such as canola or safflower. Stir well and place in a warm, dry place for at least three hours or until puffy and risen. Turn onto a floured work surface and knead for about five minutes or until dough is smooth and elastic. Cover with a tea towel and allow to rest for fifteen minutes. While dough is proofing, combine another 1/2 cup oats with butter in a medium skillet and toast until crisp and golden-brown.

When dough has proofed, divide into 24 equal pieces. Allow kids to help roll each piece out into a long, skinny rope and twist into a pretzel shape. Brush with more maple syrup, sprinkle on toasted oats, and bake at 350°F for 15 to 20 minutes or until deeply golden-brown. Remove and allow to cool.

While the pretzels are baking, make a delicious and nutritious pumpkin dip to serve alongside it. Simply allow one 8-oz package of cream cheese to soften, then whip in a food processor until smooth and fluffy. Add in a can of pumpkin puree, one to two tablespoons of brown sugar, and cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice to taste. Dredge warm pretzels through the dip and enjoy a low-calorie taste of the fall season.

While it may be tempting to just let kids (or even yourself) go wild in a frenzy of mini candy bars and processed junk food during this time of year, Halloween doesn’t have to be a bonanza of sugar. Preserve your teeth and your energy levels by whipping up one or more of these delicious snacks. As a bonus, cooking many of these dishes is a great party activity with kids in its own right! With a little know-how in the kitchen, you can teach your young ones the joys of making their own wholesome food, and enjoy a guilt-free sweet treat at the end. Happy Halloween!

A Remarkable Book About a Remarkable Area

Selected for Oprah’s Book Club in 2001, Cane River tells the story of four generations of women born into slavery, spanning the 1830s through the 1930s. These astonishing characters battle injustice and persecution, creating a legacy of hope that resounds to the present day through the narrator’s discovery of her ancestors’ accomplishments. The reader follows the family’s journey as they grapple with the torments of slavery, the harsh realities of the Civil War and the complicated process of emancipation in the turbulent early 20th-century setting.


The story begins with author Lalita Tademy’s great-great-great-great-grandmother Elisabeth, following the family line to her daughter Suzette, Suzette’s daughter Philomene and Philomene’s daughter Emily. Amid farmhouses, fields, and a diverse community of free people of color, French-speaking slaves and white residents, these women confront the ties of racism and fight to preserve their integrity and make life for the next generation just a little better than the one before. Making tough choices in the face of almost unimaginable challenges, these women are beautifully-drawn characters that fascinate and inspire the reader.

While the Tademy clan may be the human face of the novel’s narrative, the real star of the show is the titular Cane River area of Louisiana, a rural section of northwest Louisiana which has been recently named a National Heritage Area by Congress and the National Park Service. Tademy’s scintillating prose describes every aspect of this lush area of the South, sparing no detail when it comes to the minutiae of everyday agricultural life in the 19th century as well as the beautiful natural scenery of this region. With historic plantations, unique Creole architecture and a multicultural heritage that has no equal in the United States, the area lies south of Natchitoches along both sides of the Cane River. In addition to several historic homes and plantations, it also encompasses Cane River Creole National Historical Park, as well as several National Historic Landmarks.

One notable facet of the rich history of this area is the existence of the Cane River Creoles, a socio-ethnic group which came about after planters engaged in relationships with enslaved Africans and American Indians. While both French and Spanish law banned race-mixing in their American territories, the practice was sustained throughout the antebellum period and resulted in a mixed race group of people known as Creoles. Known as the “gens de couleur libres” (free people of color), they were a socially influential and economically successful class in their own right. Their descendants still populate Cane River to this very day, preserving and perpetuating their unique cultural tradition.

One fascinating character who is mentioned in the novel Cane River is Marie Thérèse Coin-Coin, a freed slave who is widely considered to be the originator of Cane River’s Creole community. Creating a successful agricultural business with the help of her husband and children, she also founded the first African-American church in the region, St. Augustine Catholic Church. The community that surrounds it is colloquially known as “Isle Breville.” Today, the church is the heart of a vibrant and thriving tradition, playing home to parish fairs, historic trail hikes, community plays, candlelight vigils and more.

Another significant feature of this area is its rich natural beauty, which makes Cane River the ideal destination for those looking to explore the outdoors. There are limitless opportunities for campers, hikers and wildlife watchers to see what makes Louisiana the “Sportsman’s Paradise.” The Kisatchie National Forest boasts more than 6,000 acres of pristine wilderness which are split into six distinct regions across the northern part of the state. From cypress-filled bayous to craggy hills, there is a vista for every kind of traveler.

If you’re a birdwatcher or lover of nature, you’ll be thrilled at the diverse flora and fauna that is on display in this area. Alligators, mink, otters and wood ducks are just a few of the rare species that you’ll see while enjoying the forests and bayous of the Cane River region. For hunters, white-tailed deer, wild turkeys and quail all heavily populate the area, and can be hunted via an easily-obtained license from the local Natchitoches government offices. Birdwatching is another popular attraction: the red cockaded woodpecker, an ultra-rare variety of this common bird, makes its home deep in the pine forests of Louisiana, along with many other birds that are listed on the official Forest Service field guides.

Want to explore the waterways of the area? Kayak or canoe down the Cane River Lake, a bow-shaped body of water that hosts a stunning array of natural scenery. Small motorboats are also allowed in the area given the appropriate permits. There are also fishing areas and waterside campgrounds to be found all around. Just watch out for alligators — these reptiles roam free around the area, and while they generally steer clear of human-populated areas, it is always good to keep an eye out. The Natchitoches National Fish Hatchery raises sport and endangered fish populations, making sure that the abundance of the area is preserved for future generations to enjoy. An aquarium is open to visitors, allowing them to see the products of the hatchery in person — or in scales.

Of course, as with anywhere in Louisiana, the rich culinary tradition permeates nearly every aspect of life in the region. With a mixture of African, French, Spanish and Native American cuisines, you won’t find anything like it elsewhere in the world. From traditional Cajun dishes like corn macque choux to the French-Native American-African amalgamation of seafood gumbo, the unique is on display with every bite. Cane River, as mentioned previously, is a major agricultural producer, making fresh top-quality ingredients available to any home cook. Cane River pecans are especially noted for their abundant growing season and clean, pure flavor. Tomatoes, corn, greens and other vegetables are also plentiful in this area.

As well as a rich culinary scene, the Cane River region is also home to cultural festivals and celebrations that span its variety of traditions. One remarkable tradition is the Adai Indian Nation Cultural Center’s annual Pow Wow, which brings together Native Americans from across the state to showcase their crafts, dance renditions, music and food. It begins with a grand entry by the representatives of all the tribes of the area, and progresses to traditional drumming and dancing, tours of Adai Indian dwellings, and historic artifact displays. There are also guest visitors every year from Indian tribes around the nation, telling stories and showing off traditions from their own cultures. There are even buffalo roaming around the campground!

Want a little history with your trip to Cane River? Visit some of the many plantations or historic homes that stand throughout the Natchitoches area. Melrose Plantation, the home of the aforementioned Marie Thérèse Coin-Coin, sits on a pristine estate, the crown jewel of which is a perfectly-preserved French Colonial mansion with Greek Revival details. This nearly 200-year-old house is just one of the historic buildings of the estate, alongside a historic book-bindery, ice house and artist’s residence. Melrose Plantation is also home to the Clementine Hunter murals, antique large-scale paintings that depict rural life in Louisiana. Artists of all stripes have made this historic building their home, such as Lyle Saxon, a New Orleans author who kept the company of literary  luminaries such as William Faulkner and Sherwood Anderson. Saxon wrote his best-known book, Children of Strangers, while in residence at the plantation. The novel, undoubtedly inspired by the author’s time in the region, presents a realistic and sharp-eyed view of life in the Cane River area at the turn of the century.

Finally, if it’s time to go home after your journey, rest assured that there are many affordable ways to being a little bit of this area home with you. Pick up some colorful folk art from a local Caddo craftsman, or spook your neighbors with an ethically-sourced preserved alligator head. A small gift bag of Cane River pecans makes the perfect souvenir for the cook in your life who’s ready to tackle an authentic Southern sweet treat like rum pralines or pecan pie. Of course, it is also an option to spread the word about this magnificent area with a copy of Lalita Tademy’s book of the same name, which is available at many local bookstores and online retailers.

Hopefully, this guide to northern Louisiana has helped pique your interest after reading about the colorful characters that populate it in the book Cane River. While Elisabeth, Suzette, Philomene and Emily may be gone, the rich culture that they embody lives on in the dedicated spirit of thousands of local residents. Visit the area, absorb the unique lifestyle, and go home content in the knowledge that the history and tradition of this area is preserved for future generations to come.