Every day, work pressures force us to move faster, work harder and churn out better products. To meet the challenge, we begin pushing ourselves harder, demand more of our associates and coworkers, and more from those we value most—our families.
But what if we chose to take a breath and shift to a more positive mindset instead? What if we chose to be thankful as we moved forward? I’ve found that taking the extra step to show appreciation, whether in business or in my personal life, can go miles— especially when done right. After all, there’s a lot to be thankful for.
For me, “thank you” is one of the simplest things to say. Yet, for some reason, many people deem it unnecessary or worse — a sign of weakness. In truth, simple expressions of gratitude can be powerful:
- A verbal “thank you” may seem simple, but it can unlock smiles and nods as well as a willingness to keep pushing forward and get the job done.
- A heartfelt, handwritten note may be saved, reread and remembered. It’s proof that someone noticed and took precious time from a busy schedule to deliver a thank you. It’s also confirmation that someone doesn’t take what’s given for granted.
- Consider that actions can be stronger than words. If a member of your household consistently goes out of their way to make your life easier — be it by fixing your lunch or managing the household — take over and do the same for them when possible to show you appreciate their gestures.
Everyone wants to feel that their accomplishments and efforts are meaningful. Even the most simple expressions of gratitude can become priceless investments in trust and loyalty. But with such hectic schedules, how can we help ourselves recognize all the things that deserve thanks?
Cultivating Perspectives of Empathy
Actually see all the people who show up to work with you every day. From the front desk employee who cheerfully takes client calls and manages the day-to-day minutiae, to the coworker who tags in to ease your workload on the busiest days. The ones who answer your calls, talk through challenges and ultimately make your expectations become reality. Operate from true awareness of what you’re asking of yourself, and the people you and your company depend on. Take accurate stock of how much effort is required from everyone and what would happen if any one of them failed.
Overtime hours, deadline extensions or compressions, special events, new product rollouts, schedule shifts and even just business as usual come with difficulties for company owners and employees alike. Those affected may feel stressed, overexerted, under-appreciated or overwhelmed. These challenges ripple throughout a company and extend into associated networks — as well as personal lives.
Your family may take the brunt of any frustration you’ve experienced through the workday. They’re the sounding board you turn to when you can’t discuss an issue with a boss or coworkers, and they take on new stress from any issues you bring home. While your spouse may be supportive and happy to hear you out, their show of empathy to you may take a toll on their own emotions and feelings. It’s incredibly important to express how appreciative you are to have them by your side to share any worries or challenges you face, otherwise they can go through their own form of burnout.
Being mindful of the effort others put forth comes from a place of empathy — a recognition of the shared human condition. We all have goals, responsibilities, hopes and dreams that we’re trying to fulfill. As you practice empathy, you may discover just how important many previously unnoticed people really are to your success and all that you have to be thankful for.
Invest To Keep Gratitude Genuine
When business is involved, most of us can detect, to a degree, when gratitude is inauthentic. Ingenuous offerings of thanks may fall flat due to a perceived connotation of why the recognition is taking place to begin with. People are, by nature, wary of gratitude that might come with a hidden ask or expectation.
Authenticity means taking interest in the person behind the uniform, or beyond their relation to you, and making consistent efforts to connect in an honest way. Take the time to learn about people, their goals and the events that are meaningful to them.
When you have the opportunity to help your coworkers, family or friends by thanking them or adding to their good fortune, you’ll be able to do it naturally, in simple ways that ring true to their preferences.
Lessons of a Lifetime of Gratitude
Owning a business that has always been a family affair brings with it a long history of enduring relationships. Cane River Pecan Company is rooted in the certainty that genuine acts of appreciation can strengthen — and even cement — meaningful professional and personal relationships.
Over the years, we’ve grown and flourished thanks to the trust and loyalty of our partners, associates, employees and customers. Every day, I remind myself that I owe all of these members of the Cane River Pecan Company family, and my own family, a debt that I can only hope to repay with acts of gratitude — simply and genuinely.
For more information on Cane River Pecan Company and tangible ways that you can express your gratitude, visit our website, or call 1.800.692.3109.